

student and counselor working together

Admissions & Records

Prior Learning

Rose State College evaluates a student's previous learning experiences by awarding prior learning credit through institutionally prepared exams, standardized national tests such as Advanced Placement Program (AP) and DANTES (DSST) and the subject exam portion of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).

Students eligible to receive credit for prior learning must be enrolled or eligible to re-enroll at Rose State College. Prior learning credit awarded to a student must be validated by successful completion of 12 or more semester hours at Rose State College before being placed on the student's official transcript. Only the subject examination portion of the CLEP program tests will be accepted.

Institutional charges for administration and recording of locally administered advanced standing examinations (Offered at Rose State College) shall be at the rate of $5 per semester-credit-hour. Charges for administering and recording of nationally developed advanced standing examinations shall be at the rate established by the national testing agency for the particular test in question. No other charges shall be made for the administering or recording of prior learning credit.

Rose State College may award prior learning credit only in those academic disciplines and in courses in the approved curriculum of the College. A student desiring to apply for locally administered prior learning examinations should report to the Office of Admissions and Records, where eligibility will be determined and detailed instructions given. Credit will not be given for a prerequisite to a course for which credit has been granted.  Prior learning credit will not be given for a course in which credit has been previously earned.

Approval to take the test must be granted by the Division Dean. The Division Dean will make arrangements for administration of the examination.  Any division may establish a waiting period of up to six months for a student to take another prior learning examination for a course for which he/she has failed a prior learning examination. The neutral grade of satisfactory (S) will be utilized to designate prior learning credit. 

View the Prior Learning Assessment brochure for information on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement Program (AP), DANTES Subject Standardized *DSST) tests which Rose State College accepts. Before any prior learning credit is transcripted, you must earn 12 credit hours (satisfying academic residency) at Rose State.

Our Prior Learning Credit Policies are reviewed on an annual basis during July.  Any changes to the course listings are reviewed and added on an as needed basis.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Credit Brochure (PDF)

Advance Standing Exam List (PDF) 

Exciting Announcement: 

ShowWhatYouKnowOK has officially launched!!! 

Show What You Know is a website full of resources students can use to see how their previously earned college credit, licenses, certifications, military study and training and advanced standing scores can be applied toward a degree program. 

Check out the website using the following link:

show what you know