

student and counselor working together

Admissions & Records

Retention Policies

Rose State College students are expected to maintain a cumulative, satisfactory GPA for the duration of his/her college experience.

A student will be placed on academic probation if he/she fails to meet the following requirements:

Cumulative Credit Hours Attempted  GPA Requirement
0 through 30 semester credit hours  1.7
Greater than 30 semester credit hours 2.0

Freshmen students, 30 or fewer credit hours, with a GPA of 1.7 to less than 2.0 will be placed on Academic Notice.

The 2.0 GPA required for retention does not include grades earned in activity and/or performance courses not related to the student's degree objective. He/she will not be allowed to enroll at Rose State College for a minimum period of a 16-week semester (fall or spring). Students who are admitted on probation after having been suspended for poor academic performance will be required to enroll in and successfully complete EDUC 1103, Career & Life Strategies.